Thursday, January 24, 2013


Thursday was the last day of my "take ALL the classes" experiment. In the end, I've decided to stick with the classes I had originally signed up for. I'm not stoked on Media and Society, but the outings seem really cool and I think it will be manageable.

In the morning, I went to Communications, Diversity and Pop Culture. At first I was excited; the professor seems somewhat young and cool and the subject matter seems really interesting. As the class went on, however, I began to feel that the professor was a bit pretentious and dull. Once the entire class had gone around saying our majors and stuff, he rattled on for a solid minute about all the books he's authored and things he's done and is involved in. He has done lots of cool things, but it just put me off. The class was almost entirely taken up by him talking about the syllabus, which got really boring after an hour. We had an "outing," which involved groups of us going into tourist shops looking for things that were eccentric but defined British culture. The class was interesting, but overall underwhelming. I know I'm getting spoiled by all my other classes and their outings (and I know many who study abroad don't have these opportunities), I want a class that's going to take me out into London, not just talk about it dully. I did see some cool stuff at the tourist shops though:
Just your average Princess Di head postcard

My last class of the week was film. I can already tell this is going to be an awesome class. The professor is young and quirky. I don't really know what the point of our first "lecture" was, but it was certainly entertaining! Steve just rambled on about tons of things, switching topics about every 2 minutes. But in the way my Media and Society professor Mo rambled in a boring way, Steve was very engaging. He's so cool but unassuming; he doesn't really realize that he's the cool professor. This is another class that I think will make me stretch my brain; I love movies but I'm not really used to analyzing them. The first book/movie we're looking at is the Hunger Games, so I'm really excited for that! Our outing was so Soho, a really cool area which has a lot of famous film spots and other cultural hot spots. We met at Leicester Square, which felt a lot like Times Square; definitely touristy but felt cleaner. I've definitely noticed that London, at least where I've been, feels cleaner than many other cities I've been in. It's interesting. At one of the theaters in the square there was a movie premiere going on later this evening! It's for the movie "I Give it a Year," one I've never heard of but the poster had a couple familiar faces. Not a red carpet I'd be dying to be at, but still cool! After showing us Leicester Square, a spot designed for cinema but actually a terrible spot for it, Steve walked us around and we saw where the real movie making happens in Soho. It's a really cool area, I'm excited to explore there again!
The premiere
The Palace Theater

We walked back to the house after our tour, and I finally made a home cooked meal of pasta! Yay! I've just been trying to organize all of my classes and their assignments and get caught up on the blog. Cheers!

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